Why is the Knob object not updating?

I try to change the Knob max value of dash_daq

from dash_daq.Knob import Knob
from dash import Dash, html, Output, Input, callback, dcc

app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div([
        label="Частота вращения ротора ВД",
    dcc.RadioItems(id='radio', options=['update', 'revert'])

    Output('knob', 'max'),
    Input('radio', 'value')
def update(value):
    print(f"Radio value: {value}")
    if value == 'update':
        max_value = 50
        max_value = 10

    return max_value

if __name__ == '__main__':

But the maximum value is not updated. Why?

hi @samodurOFF
I don’t think the max value can be updated after the app has launched. It’s as if the knob component has to be redrawn, and that’s not possible currently.