Hi all,
Thank you for this forum, It’s very useful.
I’m trying to set custom contour levels as seen in some posts here.
I want limits of contours to be these fixed values: 0-500-1500-3000-10000-30000-150000
To build the colorscale I divide these values by the maximum value of data I have (31000 in the example below). That is to say:
Plotly.newPlot("graph", [
type: "contour",
z: [[400, 400,2000, 2500], [7000, 20000,2000, 31000],[1200, 1200, 2000, 2500]],
colorscale: [
[0, 'rgb(204, 255, 204)'], [0.01612903225, 'rgb(153, 204, 51)'], [0.04838709677, 'rgb(51, 153, 102)'], [0.09677419354, 'rgb(255, 153, 51)'], [0.32258064516, 'rgb(250, 135, 135)'], [1, 'rgb(255, 0, 0)']
But… I don’t know why some colours don’t appear. I would really appreciate help because I have tried many configurations and none of them worked. I don’t know if it is impossible to do it or there is some error in my code.
Kindly advice,