Defined 5 colors for contour lines but get 6 colors displayed

I’m new in Plotly, and struggle with the colors in contour lines.

I have following code:

window.UpdateData = async function (jsonData) {
// Parse the JSON data
zData = JSON.parse(jsonData);

data2 = [{
    z: zData,
    x: [-9, -6, -5, -3, -1],
    y: [0, 1, 4, 5, 7],
    type: 'contour',
    autocontour: false,
    contours: {
        start: 0.25,
        end: 1.25,
        size: 0.25,
        showlabels: true,

    colorscale: [[0, 'rgb(2, 171, 44)'], 
        [0.25, 'rgb(161,255,164)'], [0.5, 'rgb(255,255,65)'],
        [0.75, 'rgb(237, 167, 14)'], [1.0, 'rgb(171, 2, 2)']]


And I get following result

I don’t understand why I get 6 colors displayed even I only defined 5 in the code.

The colorscale does not determine the number of contour lines. The colors will be interpolated based in your colorscale and the number of contours requested.

There is an argument (probably ncontours) to determine how many of them you want.

Thank you for the feedback.
But I don’t want interpolation. I would like to set the colors between the contour lines myself.

Because I have defined the contour levels as below:

autocontour: false,
contours: {
start: 0.25,
end: 1.25,
size: 0.25,

I would like the following color settings

But if I add an additionnal color in color scale like:
colorscale: [[0, ‘rgb(2, 171, 44)’],
[0.25, ‘rgb(161,255,164)’], [0.5, ‘rgb(255,255,65)’],
[0.75, ‘rgb(237, 167, 14)’], [1.0, ‘rgb(255, 0, 0)’],
[1.2, ‘rgb(171, 2, 2)’]],

I get the following result

I don’t understand how the colorscale is working from the documentation.

Has any one a link to an in depth explanation on how this is working and how I can achieve my goal?