Never used Plotly before but interactive graphs would be nice. However, it’s only nice if it’s shareable…
Would it be interactive in Jupyter Notebook? If so, if I save a Jupyter Notebook as HTML, would anyone who opens that HTML be able to see an itneractive graph?
What are ways to share graphs internally? Is there a way to build an itnernal webhosting thing?
Ideally, my boss could just have a link bookmarked, and everyday, he can check the graph whenever as the data gets updated. I have no webprogramming experience and don’t plan on learning that - so something pre-build would be nice - like jupyter notebooks or something.
If that doesn’t work, what other ways to share?
Hi, I just wanted to mention plotlyshare · PyPI - a package which serves specifically this purpose: share an interactive plot hosted on the internet as a link, without the hassle of having to set up any hosting. It’s 2024 after all!
It uses Deta Space - a free and private app-based ecosystem.
The only setup you need is to install the app on deta, and install the python package.