User input and output with plotly graphs

Hi guys,

I want to graph 3d surface using plotly, but want some of the variables of my formulas to come from user input. I then want to output the result of that calculation to the user. So I want something like this:

a = user input 1
b = user input 2
c = a + b

Output = “The answer is ‘c’”

Any thoughts on how I can do this?


here you go!

app.layout = html.Div(
[ html.Div(className=‘a_val’,
children=[html.H2(‘Equation’, style={‘color’:"#CECECE"}),
html.H5(‘Values a:’, style={‘color’:app_colors[‘text’]}),
dcc.Input(id=‘sentiment_term’, value=‘a’, type=‘float’, style={‘color’:app_colors[‘someothercolor’]}),
html.H5(‘Values b:’, style={‘color’:app_colors[‘float’]}),
dcc.Input(id=‘sentiment_term’, value=‘b’, type=‘float’, style={‘color’:app_colors[‘someothercolor’]})])