Output equation for a generated surface in Plotly

Hello Plotly Community,

I am currently working with some 3D data points and will create a surface plot. The question I have is, can you output an explicit equation for the surface generated by Plotly? I would like to be able to estimate a given Z value given any X or Y value within the parameter space. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.

Randall Berdon


Could you give more details on your data?

Are you defining a go.Surface based on x, y, z resulted from the discretization of an explicitly given surface, of equation z=f(x,y) or you have only the above arrays x, y, z acquired from measurements?

Thank you for responding @empet. I am defining a go.Surface based on x, y, z from arrays acquired from measurements. I want to take these measured points create a surface that fits these points and identify the equation of the fit surface. I am wondering if I can somehow output from Plotly directly the explicit equation for a surface that is created so I will know the z value of any given point.

Randall Berdon


Unfortunately you cannot get the surface equation. Not only Plotly cannot derive it, but I don’t think you can find a graphic library that returns the equation of a discrete surface.