Use query string for dynamically created objects

Hi guys,
I have the following problem for my query strings. Previously I used them to store some static information of my dash app and when I called the url I just set those static parameters. However, now I have a more complex object that is created dynamically inside a static container. A simple way of still using the old approach would be to make a bytes object of the static container after the creation of the dynamic objects and then base64-encode this bytes object in order to obtain a string for the url.
Now, the problem is that this string becomes too large for my purpose to still be used in an url.

My question to you guys would be: Does anyone of you know a way how I could “simulate” user interactions inside dash. And by this I mean something like

click button x like user → callback that would have triggered happens

  • enter values into created object 1* → callback that would have triggered happens
  • … and so on …

I am aware of the fact that I could change the n_clicks of the button, to trigger callbacks, but this happens inside a callback and I don’t know when all following callbacks would be triggered, so that I can raise this number once more.

Thank you for your help everyone :slight_smile:

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Hello @xaver,

Word on the street is that plotly can handle this with using the Snapshot Engine.

@adamschroeder can help you get connected with someone for exploration.

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hi @xaver
That’s an interesting question. I just sent you a DM to learn more.