Is there a trick to using Dash offline? Sometimes I wish to work where there is no internet, but my app crashes because it is trying to load dash-bootstrap-components from the CDN.
dash-bootstrap-components is in my requirements.txt file, but it is still trying to load it from a CDN
Is there a way around this?
My looks like this:
import dash
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash_extensions.enrich import DashProxy, MultiplexerTransform, NoOutputTransform
import logging
import os
BASE_PATH = os.getenv('BASE_PATH_NAME', '/')
app = DashProxy(__name__, transforms=[MultiplexerTransform(), NoOutputTransform()], external_stylesheets=[
dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP, 'cb-dash.css'], url_base_pathname=BASE_PATH, suppress_callback_exceptions=True)
server = app.server
log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
im behind a proxy at the company without any internet connection. Where can i download all the assets like css and min.js files that dash needs to work properly??