Hi everyone. I’m on my way to build multi-page dashboard applicaton, and faced a little problem.
I have used approach suggested by @chriddyp in Multiple Dashboards?
The main idea, what i’ve built separate single dashboards-apps, such as app1, and app2. And also, i could combine both of them into one app, such as app3.
For now i have this project structure:
---- app
-------- server
------------ init
-------- dashboards
------------ single
---------------- app1
---------------- app2
------------ multiple
---------------- app3
---- run
from server import app
from app.dashobards.single import app1, app2
from app.dashobards.multiple import app3
layout = update_main_layout()
def update_main_layout():
return html.Div(id='chapter')
def display_content(pathname):
#return app1.layout, app2.layout, app3.layout
# live update layout
# return layout
# live update layout
# return layout
from app1 import app1_layout
from app2 import app2_layout
def get_some_dependent_graph():
return some_layout()
layout = html.Div([app2_layout, app1_layout], className='six columns')
Basically, i have described behavior of app1/app2 layouts, and than just simply import them into app3 layout.
Untill now this approach working perfectly. What i want to do next, i want to build some dependent graph, based on data in app1.layout
I’m not so well experienced with Flask, so i’ve decided to save this data in sessions.
app1,layout is beging updated with interval callback, and i want to app3 would be updated as by data in
app1.layout and by some user interactive actions, e.g
layout = html.Div([dcc.Graph(id='graph1',figure=get_figure()),dcc.Interval(id='interval')])
@app.callback(Output('graph', 'figure'),events=[Event('interval','interval')])
def update_graph()
return get_graph()
def get_graph():
data = get_some_data()
graph = build_graph_based_on_data(data)
# here
flask.sessions['data_for_dependent_graph'] = data
return graph
from app1 import app1_layout
from app2 import app2_layout
def get_some_dependent_graph():
data = flask.sessions['data_for_dependent_graph']
graph = build_graph_based_on_data(data)
return graph
layout3 = dcc.Graph(id='graph3',get_some_dependent_graph())
layout = html.Div([app2_layout, app1_layout, layout3], className='six columns')
app.callback(Output('graph3', 'figure'),Input['graph1','hoverData'])
def update graph3_after_user_hover_on_graph1():
#do smth
And i have a “Working outside of context error.” As i figured it out, this exception raised in app1 then my
html.Div([dcc.Graph(id=‘graph’,figure=get_figure()),dcc.Interval(id=‘interval’)]) initializing.
So my question is which approach will be used more correctly to save data to next use in dependent callbacks?