I am creating a program that:
- reads a .csv file
- displays it as an editable Dash AG Grid
- the file is updated after the push of a button
Is there a way to achieve the 3rd step? I found a way to save a table. but this downloads the table as .csv and not update the existing one.
update_message : id for html.Div
update_table: id for a button
editable_grid: id of Dash AG Grid in question
data_storage: id of dcc.Store (stored the filepath in it)
@app.callback(Output('update_message', 'children'),
Input('update_table', 'n_clicks'),
State('editable_grid', 'rowData'),
State('data_storage', 'data'),
def save_changes(n_clicks, grid_data, filename):
if n_clicks > 0:
# Convert ag-Grid data back to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(grid_data)
# Save the DataFrame back to the CSV file (you can choose your file name)
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
# Display a confirmation message
return "File updated successfully"