I have 3 buttons:
- add row
- delete row
- save (to SQL)
First two (adding and deleting rows) are in the same callback.
Here is the code for that callback:
Output("sql-table", "rowData"), #<======== not updating?
Output("sql-table", "deleteSelectedRows"),
Output("selected-data", "rowData"),
Input("delete-row-button", "n_clicks"),
Input("add-row-button", "n_clicks"),
State("sql-table", "rowData"),
State("sql-table", "selectedRows"),
prevent_initial_call = True
def update_dash_table(n_dlt, n_add, data, selection):
if ctx.triggered_id == "add-row-button":
new_row = {
"test": [x],
df_new_row = pd.DataFrame(new_row)
if df.empty == False :
updated_table = pd.concat([df, df_new_row], ignore_index=True)
updated_table = df_new_row
return updated_table.to_dict("records"), no_update, no_update
elif ctx.triggered_id == "delete-row-button":
if selection is None:
return no_update, no_update, no_update
return no_update, selection, selection #<==== problem here?
Data itself is coming from another callback which in its turn is pulling data from SQL.
When I click “add row” and then “save”, row is added and data (incl. the new row) is saved to SQL. It works.
When I select row, click “delete row” and then “save”, selected row is deleted and data (excl. the deleted row) is saved to SQL. It works.
Problem arises when I combine. Example: when I add two rows by clicking “add row” twice and then, for example, delete one of these rows (by selecting and clicking “delete row”) and ONLY THEN click “save”, I hope that the newly added row that I chose not to delete will still remain and will be saved. But it doesn’t work. None of rows is saved.
I believe, it is due to no_update
in the line return no_update, selection, selection
I think what happens is: no_update
in the line return no_update, selection, selection
doesn’t allow Output("sql-table", "rowData")
to be updated.
Is there a way to force an update to Output("sql-table", "rowData")
after deleting a one of rows (but still keeping the other row) ?
Is there any alternative to no_update
Thanks for any replies and suggestions in advance.