Unexpected Treemap aggreation

I’m trying to create a treemap similar to this one in the docs, but it isn’t working as I’d expect. Here is a minimum working example, build_hierarchical_dataframe has been slightly modified to work with newer versions of pandas.

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

grouped = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'i': {1: 795, 2: 804, 3: 804, 4: 842, 5: 842}, 'k': {1: '100110', 2: '100110', 3: '100190', 4: '100110', 5: '100190'}, 'v': {1: 34496492.0, 2: 145861590.0, 3: 2773245499.0, 4: 837272860.0, 5: 5846843779.0}, 'q': {1: 169185.0, 2: 774015.8809999999, 3: 17436469.7, 4: 2986917.31, 5: 26319328.719}})

def build_hierarchical_dataframe(df, levels, value_column, color_columns=None):
    Build a hierarchy of levels for Sunburst or Treemap charts.

    Levels are given starting from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy,
    ie the last level corresponds to the root.
    df_all_trees = []

    for i, level in enumerate(levels):
        df_tree = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'parent', 'value', 'color'])
        dfg = df.groupby(levels[i:]).sum()
        dfg = dfg.reset_index()
        df_tree['id'] = dfg[level].copy()
        if i < len(levels) - 1:
            df_tree['parent'] = dfg[levels[i+1]].copy()
            df_tree['parent'] = 'total'
        df_tree['value'] = dfg[value_column]
        df_tree['color'] = dfg[color_columns[0]] / dfg[color_columns[1]]
    total = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(id='total', parent='',
                              color=df[color_columns[0]].sum() / df[color_columns[1]].sum(), index=[0]))
    # df_all_trees= pd.DataFrame(df_all_trees)
    return pd.concat(df_all_trees, ignore_index=True).drop('index',axis=1)

df_all_trees = build_hierarchical_dataframe(grouped, ['i', 'k'], 'v', ['v','q'])

fig= go.Figure(go.Treemap(
    hovertemplate='<b>%{label} </b> <br> Sales: %{value}<br> Success rate: %{color:.2f}',

The issue with this plot is two-fold:

  1. At the root only one box is shown for 100110

  2. When we click on 100110 we can see additional boxes, with values larger than the box shown at the root.