My guess is that the python installation that you’re using isn’t the same as the pip environment that you’re installing the packages into.
If you run:
which python
which pip
then they should be pointing to the same environment. For example, for me, this returns:
$ which python
$ which pip
If those paths are different, then that might give you a clue as to why. For example, sometimes I’ve seen this issue where people are running python3 instead of python while still running pip install dash. python3 has a different location than python and pip is referring to python not python3.
Another way to ensure that pip is installing things into the right python would be to invoke pip through python with:
python -m pip install dash
(and similarly for the rest of the packages).
Let us know if this helps! This has come up a few times and so it’d be good to have a really clear debugging guide
then, running python will works. However, if I run the same code on a jupyter notebook ( I have not unistall the previous installation using pip, so I still have a version of dash on my:
/home/mike/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dash/* ), it will result in a SystemExit: 1