Here is my config. Would love some advice on how I can render the y axis labels - the same config works on online (web app), but there must be something weird about my options that is causing it not to render. Any help is appreciated!
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Colors from ‘styles/colors’;
import Loader from ‘lib/Loader’;
import createPlotlyComponent from ‘react-plotlyjs’;
import isEqual from ‘lodash/isEqual’;
import range from ‘lodash/range’;
export default class PlotlyChart extends Component {
static defaultProps = {
showFill: false,
lineColor: Colors.teal,
_getData() {
let { showFill } = this.props;
return [
visible: true,
type: ‘scatter’,
name: ‘Portfolio Performance’,
showlegend: true,
x:{ timestamp }) => new Date(timestamp)),
y:{ value }) => value),
mode: ‘lines’,
line: {
width: 1.5,
color: this.props.lineColor,
smoothing: 0.1,
dash: ‘solid’,
simplify: true,
shape: ‘spline’,
connectgaps: true,
fill: showFill ? ‘tozeroy’ : ‘none’,
fillcolor: Colors.brandTransparent,
marker: {
opacity: 0.5,
maxdisplayed: 5,
hoveron: ‘points+fills’,
hoverinfo: ‘x+y’,
cliponaxis: false,
opacity: 1,
xaxis: ‘x’,
yaxis: ‘y’,
hoverlabel: {
font: {
family: ‘Hind-Light’,
color: Colors.white,
size: 16,
_getLayout() {
let width = 400;
let height = 300;
if (typeof window !== ‘undefined’) {
width = window.innerWidth * 0.9;
height = 300;
if (this.props.browser.lessThan.medium) {
height = window.innerWidth / 2;
if (this.props.browser.greaterThan.medium) {
width = ‘100%’;
let yRange = [ Math.min(…{ value }) => value)) * 0.99, Math.max(…{ value }) => value)) * 1.01 ];
return {
font: {
family: 'Hind-Regular',
size: 12,
color: Colors.brand,
title: '',
autosize: true,
width: width,
height: height,
margin: { t: 0, r: 0, b: 0, l: 0, pad: 0 },
hidesources: false,
paper_bgcolor: 'transparent',
plot_bgcolor: 'transparent',
showlegend: false,
xaxis: {
type: 'date',
visible: true,
rangemode: 'normal',
autorange: true,
fixedrange: true,
title: '',
tickmode: 'auto',
nticks: 5,
showline: false,
showgrid: false,
zeroline: true,
showspikes: false,
anchor: 'y',
layer: 'below traces',
hoverformat: "%b %e %Y",
constrain: 'range',
constraintoward: 'center',
exponentformat: 'e',
showexponent: 'all',
showticklabels: false,
yaxis: {
type: 'linear',
side: 'right',
visible: true,
autorange: false,
fixedrange: true,
rangemode: 'normal',
range: yRange,
title: '',
tickmode: 'linear',
nticks: 5,
tick0: yRange[0],
dtick: (yRange[1] - yRange[0]) / 12,
mirror: false,
showticklabels: true,
ticks: "inside",
tickangle: 'auto',
ticklen: 5,
tickwidth: 1,
tickcolor: Colors.gray,
tickprefix: '$',
showtickprefix: 'all',
tickfont: {
family: 'Hind-Regular, sans-serif',
size: 14,
color: Colors.gray,
showexponent: 'All',
exponentformat: 'e',
showline: true,
showgrid: true,
gridwidth: 1,
gridcolor: Colors.offwhite,
zeroline: false,
showspikes: true,
spikecolor: Colors.darkGreen,
spikethickness: 1,
spikedash: 'dot',
anchor: 'x',
domain: [ ],
layer: 'below traces',
constrain: 'range',
constraintoward: 'middle',
hoverformat: ',.2f',
hovermode: 'closest',
dragmode: 'zoom',
hovermode: 'closest',
legend: { },
showlegend: false,
_getConfig() {
return {
displayModeBar: false
render() {
if (this.props.loading) {
if (typeof window === ‘undefined’) {
return null;
const Plotly = require(‘plotly.js/lib/core’);
const PlotlyComponent = createPlotlyComponent(Plotly);
return (