Suppress Dash server posts to console

Is there a way to surpass the console output of dash? Specifically I have an interval update element and it spams console so much that I can’t decipher my own own output from my python functions that print statuses and intermediate results to console.

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This is the default behavior of the logger that Flask uses. Based on this stackoverflow post I found, you can change this default behavior to only produce logs for errors:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

nedned, this worked beautifully! Thanks.

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Is there a way to keep track of these logs in a logs directory rather than just spitting it out to the terminal?

I’m sure you can configure the logger to do that, since Flask just uses the standard Python logger. I would read through the Flask logging docs and then the Python logging docs. I think between those two references there will hopefully be enough info to work it out.

Although I guess it’s really the werkzeug logger that’s relevant here. Here’s an example I found that might be helpful. You might have to modify it to also remove the terminal logger.