Hi all,
I’m using plotly’s offline mode to generate interactive html files. In particular, I’ve used tools.make_subplots and buttons (modifying ‘visible’ argument just like in ‘Update dropdowns’ section here https://plot.ly/python/dropdowns/ ) to have both a dropdown, which selects which dataset to plot, as well as multiple subplots for the selected dataset; it all works very nicely.
However, this does not seem to work for figure factory tables which are embedded into a subplot. While they can be embedded into a subplot (I followed the example here: https://plot.ly/~empet/14573/subplots-with-3-usual-traces-and-a-plotl/#/ ), using the dropdown, i.e. modifying the subplot’s visibility, seems to have no effect. Meanwhile go.Table can be updated with a dropdown but cannot be embedded into a subplot.
Is there any way to have both subplots and an ‘update’ button with a table?