Hey, I am trying to figure out how to store my data that I get from calling an API in hidden Divs. The data all needs to be loaded at once but the number of objects that will be returned will change, so I am populating a dictionary with the Jsoniefied dataframes, with the keys as a dropdown and want to store it in a hidden div, and let the user choose which data to display.
I have gotten this to work with single dataframes - but cant seem to get it to work with a dictionary - the server will start but I will get a “Error loading layout” message when I go the address, and a “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR)” in the console.
Below is an example where I am trying to populate a range slider where data_dict is a dictionary of jsoniefied dataframes.
from helper_functions import data_dict
keys = list(data_dict.keys())
df = data_dict[keys[0]]
app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div(
children = [
html.Div(id = 'date_selector'),
id = 'data',
children = [data_dict],
style = {'display': 'none'}
dd.Output('date_selector', 'children'),
def update_date_range_slider(data):
df = data[keys[0]]
times = pd.date_range(start= df.index.min().date(), end= df.index.max().date() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).tolist()
marksdict = {}
for t in times:
marksdict[int(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))] = time.strftime('%d %b %Y')
slider = dcc.RangeSlider(
min = min(list(marksdict.keys())),
max = max(list(marksdict.keys())),
marks = marksdict,
values = [min(list(marksdict.keys())), max(list(marksdict.keys()))]
return slider
if __name__ == '__main__':
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Found a more Detailed Error Message:
bundle.js:2 Error: component.type is undefined
at s (bundle.js:14)
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at s (bundle.js:14)
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at s (bundle.js:14)
at e.value (bundle.js:14)
at p._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext (react-dom.min.js:13)
at p._renderValidatedComponent (react-dom.min.js:13)
at performInitialMount (react-dom.min.js:13)
at p.mountComponent (react-dom.min.js:13)