I am new to Dash, I am trying to share the variables between the callback states. So I referred the article Sharing Data Between Callbacks. I went through the article and seems storing the json dump data in a hidden div seems perfect. So I tried to implement the work,
app.layout = html.Div(
@app.callback(Output('intermediate-data'),[Input('user-id', 'children')])
def do_stuff(value):
#did some stuff
#returning data as json dumps and storing in hidden browser
return json.dumps(json_info)
@app.callback(Output('graph-1'. 'children'), [Input('intermediate-data', 'children')])
def update_graph_1(jsonified_data):
dataset = json.loads(jsonified_data)
return '{}'.format(dataset)
Here in the above code, user_id represents the user unique_Id which is stored in hidden div in index.py. I am building multipage dash application. Now when I run this code and storing the JSON data as a dump in hidden div and try to retrieve that data using hidden div I get the following error
TypeError: the JSON object must be str, not âNoneTypeâ.
When I reload the page, the app doesnât go to the functiondo_stuff itself. It just simply returning None. I am retrieving the data from the cloud datastore which I wrote code in the function do_stuff. Seems when reloading the page, the app doesnât go to this function itself.
When there is only one call back itâs working perfectly. But if there are multiple callbacks it shows the above error. How do I clear this error?