Is there a way to make the spikes not hide while dragging?
It’s been a while since I published this post, I had forgotten about it, now that I’ve been fixing some problems with the spikes I’ve taken it up again and this is the solution I gave it, obviously by modifying the Plotly.js file.
Before starting, we must take into account the following, when dragging, a
First we look for the onStart function, below this are the onMove and onDone functions which are responsible for the operation of the drag, I modified these three functions to be as follows
function onStart(e) {
// make dragging and dragged into properties of gd
// so that others can look at and modify them
gd._dragged = false;
gd._dragging = true;
var offset = pointerOffset(e);
startX = offset[0];
startY = offset[1];
initialTarget =;
initialEvent = e;
rightClick = e.buttons === 2 || e.ctrlKey;
// fix Fx.hover for touch events
if (typeof e.clientX === 'undefined' && typeof e.clientY === 'undefined') {
e.clientX = startX;
e.clientY = startY;
newMouseDownTime = new Date().getTime();
if (newMouseDownTime - gd._mouseDownTime < doubleClickDelay) {
// in a click train
numClicks += 1;
} else {
// new click train
numClicks = 1;
gd._mouseDownTime = newMouseDownTime;
if (options.prepFn) options.prepFn(e, startX, startY);
// if (hasHover && !rightClick) {
// dragCover = coverSlip();
// = 'grabbing';//window.getComputedStyle(element).cursor;
// } else
if (!hasHover) {
// document acts as a dragcover for mobile, bc we can't create dragcover dynamically
//dragCover = document;
cursor = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).cursor; = window.getComputedStyle(element).cursor;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDone);
document.addEventListener('touchend', onDone);
if (options.dragmode !== false) {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMove);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', onMove, {
passive: false
function onMove(e) {
var offset = pointerOffset(e);
var minDrag = options.minDrag || constants.MINDRAG;
var dxdy = clampFn(offset[0] - startX, offset[1] - startY, minDrag);
var dx = dxdy[0];
var dy = dxdy[1];
var subplot =["data-subplot"] &&["data-subplot"].value
if (dx || dy) {
gd._dragged = true;
if(subplot) {
else {
dragElement.unhover(gd, e);
gd._fullLayout._hoversubplot = null
gd._fullLayout._lasthover = null
if (gd._dragged && options.moveFn && !rightClick) {
gd._dragdata = {
element: element,
dx: dx,
dy: dy
options.moveFn(dx, dy);
function onDone(e) {
var subplot =["data-subplot"] &&["data-subplot"].value
delete gd._dragdata;
if (options.dragmode !== false) {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMove);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', onMove);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onDone);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', onDone);
// if (hasHover) {
// removeElement(dragCover);
// } else if (cursor) {
// = cursor;
// cursor = null;
// }
if(!subplot) {
dragElement.unhover(gd, e);
if (!gd._dragging) {
gd._dragged = false;
gd._dragging = false;
// don't count as a dblClick unless the mouseUp is also within
// the dblclick delay
if (new Date().getTime() - gd._mouseDownTime > doubleClickDelay) {
numClicks = Math.max(numClicks - 1, 1);
if (gd._dragged) {
if (options.doneFn) options.doneFn();
} else {
if (options.clickFn) options.clickFn(numClicks, initialEvent);
// If we haven't dragged, this should be a click. But because of the
// coverSlip changing the element, the natural system might not generate one,
// so we need to make our own. But right clicks don't normally generate
// click events, only contextmenu events, which happen on mousedown.
if (!rightClick) {
var e2;
try {
e2 = new MouseEvent('click', e);
} catch (err) {
var offset = pointerOffset(e);
e2 = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
e2.initMouseEvent('click', e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.view, e.detail, e.screenX, e.screenY, offset[0], offset[1], e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, e.relatedTarget);
gd._dragging = false;
gd._dragged = false;
Then modify the following condition of the _hover function since it had a condition that checks if the layer is being dragged and exits if it is true.
if (['x', 'y', 'closest', 'x unified', 'y unified'].indexOf(hovermode) === -1 || !gd.calcdata || gd.querySelector('.zoombox')) {
And this is the result