Hello community,
i would like to introduce my for now biggest dash app. This one tracks a windfarm(Lorup), that is devided in to 3 geographical locations (Hassmoor, Mammoor, Gluemmel). On the left site is a navbar for settings.
You can set the Aggregation Level for the Energy Performance Bar, choose a location and pick specific years and months. In the multiple-choice dropdown is a list with available windmills.
Based on the data being set on the settings the charts and bars are reloading.
The first Bar displays whether the produced energy is according to plan. The second is your investment level. On the windspeed chart you see the avg. windspeed on month level. The Gauge displays the overall Performance in (%) based on the settings chosen. Windmill is just the model of the windmill.
This app gives you an overview if this windfarm was worth your investment, if all mills are running according to plan and more.
For a live view visit https://dash-windparc.herokuapp.com/
Code is available on my github https://github.com/stevieWoW/dash-windparc
Appreciate any Tips and feedbacks