Using JupyterLabs and Plotly on a mac - I’m able to select multiple points on click events and with box/lasso selections to get a selection of points. On the mac, Option+click works to add points on click events and Shift+click for lasso/box selections.
However, if I attempt to shift or option button click to deselect, I am unable to deselect the data points. I’ve been searching around the web and this forum but haven’t been able to find another post dealing with this, but if there is already an open question on this that I missed, point me in that direction. Trying to see if there is something I’m doing wrong before I try to write a function that manages this.
I’ve set the following in troubleshooting:
clickmode = ‘select’ and ‘select+event’
dragmode = ‘select’ or not set
hovermode = ‘closest’