I created a data frame and displayed as a table with one column as a Link. I want to share the value on another page. After a few minutes of thinking I came up with an idea which I don’t think it is the right way to do that. I created a link as a request GET method like for example
. Where 123456 is a Unique ID and I want to do the analytics to that particular id. So in index.py file I wrote this code
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),
html.Div(id='page-content', style={'width':'100%'}),
#this div element is Hidden
html.Div(id='user-id', style={'display':'none'})
], style={'width':'100%', 'margin-left':'0%'})
@app.callback(Output('page-content', 'children'),
[Input('url', 'pathname')])
def display_page(pathname):
#check if pathname carries any uniqueId to review
separate_uid = pathname
print("URL PAGE:{}".format(separate_uid))
if pathname == '/apps/app1':
return app1.layout
elif pathname == '/apps/app2':
return app2.layout
elif '=' in separate_uid:
return app3.layout
return index.layout
@app.callback(Output('user-id', 'children'),
[Input('url', 'pathname')])
def get_user_id(pathname):
#check if pathname carries any uniqueId to review
separate_uid = pathname
if '=' in separate_uid:
uid = separate_uid.split('=')[1]
return uid
and app3.py file I wrote
layout = html.Div(id='id')
@app.callback(Output('id', 'children'),
[Input('user-id', 'children')]
def analytics(id):
return "Select Id is:{}".format(id)
Somehow this is how I managed to pass the table cell value(as a link) to another page. Is there any other way than doing this? Because when I run the index.py file it throwing me an error, but the function is doing its job. The error is in elif '=' in pathname
. I make the cell value as a link by this method dcc.Link(value, href='/apps/app3={}'.format(value)
The error is
Type Error: NoneType is not Iteratable
. Can somebody help me why this is showing error? and How can I get rid of this error