Hello Everyone,
I create a table bunch of rows and columns one among them was a unique Id. I created Unique Id as a dcc.Link because I want to pass that Unique_Id to next page to do the analytics of the particular user. Here is the piece of code I am posting for the reference.
def project_value_from_snapshotId(value):
#[Displaying the datastore values as a table format]
#get column values as list
rows = []
for i in range(len(df)):
row = []
for cols in df.columns:
value = df.iloc[i][cols]
#columns you want to show the link
if cols == 'Unique_Id':
cell = html.Td(dcc.Link(value, href='/apps/cs_id'))
cell = html.Td(children=value)
return html.Table(className="responsive-table",
html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in df.columns])
] + rows)
How do I pass that particular Link value to another page? I am new to Dash!