I made a three page app about UFO sightings in the United States currently hosted at www.chrisdarley.me. The first page is an animated map showing UFO sightings from 1910-2014 filterable by shape. The second page is an animated double bar chart comparing yearly and cumulative counts of different observed UFO shapes. The third page is a table where users can lookup descriptions of UFO sightings in their town or any other area of interest. The UFO data is from a dataset someone else scraped from NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center) and posted on Kaggle, combined with some other government data that was necessary for the map. Future improvements would include trying to improve the speed of certain queries and setting up an automated scraper that collects each new month’s data from NUFORC’s website. This would enable me to incorporate current data and get access to full descriptions (some sighting descriptions past a certain character length were cut off by the original scraper of the dataset). The app is currently hosted on AWS EC2.