I’d like to submit my app, Dash Pylette, for consideration on the Dash Explore page.
Dash Pylette is a Dash app showcasing the power of the Pylette library. This app serves as a tool to extract color palettes from images.
Live Demo:
Explore Page Criteria
Advanced Analytics: Dash Pylette utilizes the Pylette library, which offers two methods for creating color palettes: KMeans and Median Cut. For more information, you can refer to the article Improving the Performance of K-Means for Color Quantization, which provides an excellent overview of these methods.
Live Data: While the app includes sample images, users can also upload their own images. It is mobile-friendly, allowing users to take pictures on their phones, upload them, try out different settings, and copy their favorite color palettes.
User-Friendly: The app does not require any passwords or logins.
Real-Life Problem Solving: Whether you’re a designer, artist, or developer, Dash Pylette provides an easy way to generate color schemes for your projects.
Dash Features
I also wanted to highlight a few of the Dash features used in this app:
As you can see in the link above, this app includes meta tags to make a nicely formatted preview when sharing a link on social media. This is really easy to do when using the Pages feature, so this app uses Pages, even though it’s just a simple single page app.
Mobile friendly - Try the app on your phone! It has a sidebar that collapses on small screen sizes. It uses the latest version of Dash Mantine components V0.14.
Custom icon in the browser tab. Simply place a favicon.ico in the assets file and Dash automatically does the rest (Thanks for designing the logo @PipInstallPython)
Custom Loading spinner. New as of Dash 2.17, the dcc.Loading has more features. This app uses custom components for the spinner, styles the background in different ways (note the main content is visible while updating). It also has a delay to prevent the spinner from showing during brief loading times which prevents the screen from flashing.
Low Code: The entire app is made with about 300 lines of code