Scatterpolargl help

Has anyone used the script for “Webgl Polar Charts” of Plotly for R using your own data set?
I have problems figuring out how the j and k works. I will really appreciate any help.
All the best

Here is the script:


df ← read.csv(“”)

fig ← plot_ly(
type = ‘scatterpolargl’,
mode = ‘markers’

j = 1
k = 2
for (i in 1:(length(df)/2)){
fig ← add_trace(
r = df[,j],
theta = df[,k],
name = paste('Trial ', i),
marker = list(
size = 15,
line = list(
color = ‘#FFF
opacity = 0.7
j ← j + 2
k ← k + 2

fig ← layout(
title = “Hobbs-Pearson Trials”,
showlegend = F,
paper_bgcolor = “rgb(223, 223, 223)”,
polar = list(
bgcolor = “rgb(223, 223, 223)”,
angularaxis = list(
tickwidth = 2,
linewidth = 3,
layer = ‘below traces’
radialaxis = list(
side = ‘counterclockwise’,
showline = T,
linewidth = 2,
tickwidth = 2,
gridcolor = ‘#FFF’,
gridwidth = 2
