Scattermapbox unable to show text after exporting to html

Hi All,

I want to display markers+text in scattermapbox and deliver it using html. However text cannot apprpriately showed after exported to html. Anyone know how can I display both marker and text in html file as expected?

Screenshot of in-notebook display Screenshot of output html
Text+Marker display normally Text disappear in HTML

Code that reproduced the issue:

fig = go.Figure(
      mode = "lines+markers+text",

# Make sure to use your access token and draw the polygon/lines/features you want

    mapbox = {
        'style': "satellite",
        'accesstoken': mpbx_token,
        'center': { 'lon': -73.605, 'lat': 45.51},
        'zoom': 15,       
        'layers': [{
            'source': {
                'type': "FeatureCollection",
                'features': [
                        'type': "Feature",
                        'geometry': {
                        'type': "MultiPolygon",
                        'coordinates': [[[
                            [-73.606352888, 45.507489991], [-73.606133883, 45.50687600],
                            [-73.605905904, 45.506773980], [-73.603533905, 45.505698946],
                            [-73.602475870, 45.506856969], [-73.600031904, 45.505696003],
                            [-73.599379992, 45.505389066], [-73.599119902, 45.505632008],
                            [-73.598896977, 45.505514039], [-73.598783894, 45.505617001],
                            [-73.591308727, 45.516246185], [-73.591380782, 45.516280145],
                            [-73.596778656, 45.518690062], [-73.602796770, 45.521348046],
                            [-73.612239983, 45.525564037], [-73.612422919, 45.525642061],
                            [-73.617229085, 45.527751983], [-73.617279234, 45.527774160],
                            [-73.617304713, 45.527741334], [-73.617492052, 45.527498362],
                            [-73.617533258, 45.527512253], [-73.618074188, 45.526759105],
                            [-73.618271651, 45.526500673], [-73.618446320, 45.526287943],
                            [-73.618968507, 45.525698560], [-73.619388002, 45.525216750],
                            [-73.619532966, 45.525064183], [-73.619686662, 45.524889290],
                            [-73.619787038, 45.524770086], [-73.619925742, 45.524584939],
                            [-73.619954486, 45.524557690], [-73.620122362, 45.524377961],
                            [-73.620201713, 45.524298907], [-73.620775593, 45.523650879]
            'type': "line", 'below': "traces", 'color': "red"}]},
    margin = {'l':0, 'r':0, 'b':0, 't':0}

# finally add a trace of the markers you want as a list

fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(
    lat=[45.51, 45.50687600],
    lon=[-73.605, -73.606133883,],
        "color": "cyan",
        "size": 30,

    text=["21:09", "06:11", ],
    textfont = {'family': "Times", 'size': 12, 'color': "MediumPurple"},
    textposition="middle center"

Hey @neilctwu welcome to the forums.

Did you use the forum search? I think we had other topics on similar issues.

Hi @AIMPED, Thank you for your reply.

Yes I did use forum search.
Iโ€™ve seen that thereโ€™s similar issue regarding text wonโ€™t show up in scattermapbox, but thatโ€™s not my case here. What Iโ€™m encountering is the text appear appropriately in jupyter notebook but somehow disappear while exporting to html.

I havenโ€™t found any issue similar to text disappear in scattermapbox while exporting html. If you known any, could you share the issue with me?
Would be much appreciated.

Thank you!