Hi guys Thanks for having me on your community
my first dashboard application is running terribly slowly and received warning in my VS code terminal it states as such :
Dash is running on
Serving Flask app “Dash” (lazy loading)
Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
Debug mode: on
I have not plotted any chart and it doesnot even show on my local host
please help me solve this frustrating issue with your ideas and suggestions as to how can I accelerate the hosting on my localhost
with best regards
no I cannot even see my application on the browser its running terribly slowly and not showing at all even though internet connection is good
please help me
I have defined layout and put the visual components as well as define the call back function
the same problem persists:
Dash is running on
Serving Flask app “Dash” (lazy loading)
Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
Debug mode: on
I have not plotted any chart and it doesnot even show on my local host
please help me solve this frustrating issue with your ideas and suggestions as to how can I accelerate the hosting on my localhost
with best regards
Hi,. In order to save some time, can you please to a minimal example from online docs, make sure you have installed the latest versions of everything and try to run that in order to proof that your setup is working and it’s not a problem with your code.
Also you need to provide more info, either actual code or some errors since with this limited feedback it will go nowhere
as far as my code goes
I verified that my code is correct and well debugged and already ran it on my juypeter notebook so there is no problem concerning the code showed all the visualizations with no error but once I run it on VS code it runs slowly
Well, it would have been nice to have stated that in your problem description. Could you at least share some code of what you are trying to do? Otherwise you might as well open a ticket with Microsoft . Same result. From experience, I can only say that if you run e.g. jupyter via anaconda it is highly optimized and depending on what you are doing it might make a big difference
Hi guys at Plotly community
I am currently working on visualization app but I want my chloropleth map without the outer box in white how to do that
help me please !
with kind regards