I am currently hosting my Dash web-app on a Windows 10 VM and wanted to know if I can run 3 different callbacks that rely on 3 different dataframes parallely? The callbacks are fired when the user selects an option from a dropdown menu and update 3 different charts.
My web-app looks like this …
As soon as the user has made a selection, I do the following using callbacks -
- Read multiple parquet files in to a dataframe
- perform aggregations, filtering amongst other operations
Most of this gets done within a second and the resultant dataframe is used with go.Heatmap, go.Scatter and go.Heatmap components respectively to update the 3 graphs at the bottom of the page
The process of creating the dataframe up to the creating of dictionaries for passing to the Output of callbacks takes a second max however the actually display on the web app takes anywhere between 2-3 seconds to 8-10 seconds.
Since the last step of throwing the data to the browser is IO bound with calls made to the Flask Server, I wanted to know whether I can run them in parallel?
Here is a snippet of my code from the callbacks …
@app.callback([Output('heatmap1', 'figure'), Output('intermediate_container', 'children') ], [Input('rms_dropdown', 'value'), Input('freq_dropdown', 'value'), Input('date-range', 'start_date'), Input('date-range', 'end_date'), Input('reset_button', 'n_clicks'), Input('licence_data', 'value')])
def update_heatmap1(rms, freq, start_date, end_date, reset, license):
# print(start_date, type(start_date))
start = dateutil.parser.parse(start_date, ignoretz=True)
end = dateutil.parser.parse(end_date, ignoretz=True)
# print(start, type(start))
if (rms is not None) and (freq is not None) and (reset != None):
onlyRMS = rms.split('_')[0]
a, b = freq.split(' - ')[1], freq.split(' - ')[2]
for each_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(MY_PATH, '*_spectrum_parquet.gzip')):
file = (each_file.split('\\')[-1])
if file.startswith(rms):
dictHeatmap = {}
dictMaxMinHold = {}
if (str(a) in file) and (str(b) in file):
df= pd.read_parquet(MY_PATH+"\\"+file)
#print("file read", MY_PATH+"\\"+file)
start_freq, stop_freq = float(df.columns[1])/1000000, float(df.columns[-5])/1000000
if (str(start_freq) == a) and (str(stop_freq) == b):
df['Datetime'] = df['Datetime'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
df.set_index('Datetime', inplace=True)
filteredDf = df.iloc[:,0:-4]
subsetLicenseDf = licenseDf[licenseDf['RMS']==onlyRMS]
if len(license)==1:
#print("ticked ..")
subsetLicenseDf = subsetLicenseDf.reset_index(drop=True)
subsetLicenseDf.Step = subsetLicenseDf.Step.astype(int)
subsetLicenseDf['Start_Freq'] = subsetLicenseDf.Freq - subsetLicenseDf.Step
subsetLicenseDf['End_Freq'] = subsetLicenseDf.Freq + 2*subsetLicenseDf.Step
subsetLicenseDf["range"] = subsetLicenseDf.apply(lambda x: [i for i in range(x["Start_Freq"], x["End_Freq"], x["Step"])], axis=1)
licenseFreq_list = [item for sublist in subsetLicenseDf.range.tolist() for item in sublist]
# print(licenseFreq_list)
clean_list = list(set(licenseFreq_list))
results = [str(i) for i in clean_list]
# print(results)
for items in results:
if items in filteredDf.columns:
#print("found..", items)
filteredDf.drop(items, axis=1, inplace=True)
# print(filteredDf.columns.tolist())
levelDf = filteredDf[(filteredDf.index >= start) & (filteredDf.index <= end)]
hovertext1 = hoverData(levelDf, r'spectrum')
spectrumChartTitle = r'No level data for selected dates, please update your selection'
# maxMinChartTitle = r'No max / min hold data for selected dates, please update your selection'
if len(levelDf!=0):
spectrumChartTitle = 'Spectrum chart - '+ rms +' - '+ freq + 'MHz from '+ start_date[:10] + ' to ' + end_date[:10]
# maxMinChartTitle = 'Max / Min hold chart - '+ rms +' - '+ freq + 'MHz from '+ start_date[:10] + ' to ' + end_date[:10]
dataset = {'df_1': levelDf.to_json(orient='split', date_format='iso')}
dictHeatmap = {'data': [go.Heatmap(x = filteredDf.columns,
y = levelDf.index,
z = levelDf.values.tolist(),
colorbar={"title": "Levels in dBm"},
colorscale ='Viridis',
'layout': { 'height': 400,
'title' : spectrumChartTitle,
#'title' : 'Spectrum chart - ' + selected_band.upper() + ' band - '+ start_date[:10] + ' to ' + end_date[:10],
'xaxis' : {'side':'top'},
# 'rangeslider':{'visible':True, 'autorange':True}},
#'width' : 2000,
#'legend':{'xanchor':"center",'yanchor':"top", 'y':-0.3, 'x':0.5},
# 'yaxis' : { 'title':'Time'},
'margin': {'l':100, 't':75,'r':15}
return dictHeatmap, json.dumps(dataset)
else: return [], []
@app.callback(Output('maxMinHold', 'figure'), [Input('intermediate_container','children'), Input('rms_dropdown', 'value'), Input('freq_dropdown', 'value'), Input('heatmap1', 'relayoutData') ])
def updateMaxMinHold(jsonified_cleaned_data, rms, freq, relayoutData):
# print(len(jsonified_cleaned_data))
if (jsonified_cleaned_data)!=None:
a = json.loads(jsonified_cleaned_data)
b = json.loads(a['df_1'])
df = pd.DataFrame(data=b['data'])
if len(df)!=0:
df.columns = b['columns']
datetime_series = pd.to_datetime(b['index'])
datetime_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(datetime_series.values)
df = df.set_index(datetime_index)
# print(df.head())
getX1 = relayoutData.get('xaxis.range[0]', None)
if (getX1 == None):
dictMaxMinHold = getDict(df, rms, freq)
return dictMaxMinHold
x1, x2 = relayoutData['xaxis.range[0]'], relayoutData['xaxis.range[1]']
array = np.asarray(df.columns.astype(int))
X1 = (np.abs(array - x1)).argmin()
X2 = (np.abs(array - x2)).argmin()
df = df.iloc[:,X1:X2]
dictMaxMinHold = getDict(df, rms, freq)
return dictMaxMinHold
dictMaxMinHold = {'data': [],
'layout': go.Layout(title = "No data for selected dates, please update your selection",
yaxis = dict(title='level (dBm)'),xaxis=dict(tickmode='auto', side='top'),
legend=dict(orientation="v"), plot_bgcolor='rgb(245,245,240)',
return dictMaxMinHold
dictMaxMinHold = {'data': [],
'layout': go.Layout(title = "No data for selected dates, please update your selection",
yaxis = dict(title='level (dBm)'),xaxis=dict(tickmode='auto', side='top'),
legend=dict(orientation="v"), plot_bgcolor='rgb(245,245,240)',
return dictMaxMinHold
@app.callback(Output('heatmap2', 'figure') , [Input('rms_dropdown', 'value'), Input('freq_dropdown', 'value'), Input('date-range', 'start_date'), Input('date-range', 'end_date'), Input('reset_button', 'n_clicks'), Input('licence_data', 'value'), Input('heatmap1', 'relayoutData')])
def test(rms, freq, start_date, end_date, reset, license, relayoutData):
start = dateutil.parser.parse(start_date, ignoretz=True)
end = dateutil.parser.parse(end_date, ignoretz=True)
# print(rms, freq, reset, license)
if (rms is not None) and (freq is not None) and (reset != None):
onlyRMS = rms.split('_')[0]
a, b = freq.split(' - ')[1], freq.split(' - ')[2]
for each_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(MY_PATH, '*_occupancy_parquet.gzip')):
file = (each_file.split('\\')[-1])
# print(file)
if file.startswith(rms):
dictHeatmap2 = {}
if (str(a) in file) and (str(b) in file):
# print(MY_PATH+"\\"+file)
df= pd.read_parquet(MY_PATH+"\\"+file)
start_freq, stop_freq = float(df.columns[1])/1000000, float(df.columns[-5])/1000000
if (str(start_freq) == a) and (str(stop_freq) == b):
df['Datetime'] = df['Datetime'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
df.set_index('Datetime', inplace=True)
df = df[(df.index >= start) & (df.index <= end)]
occDf = df.iloc[:,0:-4]
subsetLicenseDf = licenseDf[licenseDf['RMS']==onlyRMS]
if len(license)==1:
subsetLicenseDf = subsetLicenseDf.reset_index(drop=True)
subsetLicenseDf.Step = subsetLicenseDf.Step.astype(int)
subsetLicenseDf['Start_Freq'] = subsetLicenseDf.Freq - subsetLicenseDf.Step
subsetLicenseDf['End_Freq'] = subsetLicenseDf.Freq + subsetLicenseDf.Step
subsetLicenseDf["range"] = subsetLicenseDf.apply(lambda x: [i for i in range(x["Start_Freq"], x["End_Freq"]+1, x["Step"])], axis=1)
licenseFreq_list = [item for sublist in subsetLicenseDf.range.tolist() for item in sublist]
clean_list = list(set(licenseFreq_list))
results = [str(i) for i in clean_list]
for items in results:
if items in occDf.columns:
#print("deleting..", items)
occDf.drop(items, axis=1, inplace=True)
else: pass
#print("Occupancy DF is of following size ", occDf.shape, " with length ", len(occDf))
getX1 = relayoutData.get('xaxis.range[0]', None)
array = []
if getX1 != None:
xStart, xEnd = relayoutData['xaxis.range[0]'], relayoutData['xaxis.range[1]']
yStart, yEnd = relayoutData['yaxis.range[0]'], relayoutData['yaxis.range[1]']
# print(yStart, yEnd)
array = np.asarray(occDf.columns.astype(int))
idx1 = (np.abs(array - xStart)).argmin()
idx2 = (np.abs(array - xEnd)).argmin()
# print(type(array[idx1]), array[idx1], type(array[idx2]), array[idx2])
occDf = occDf.iloc[:,idx1:idx2]
occDf = occDf.loc[yEnd[:10]:yStart[:10]]
spectrumOccTitle = r'No occupancy data for selected dates, please update your selection'
if len(occDf!=0):
spectrumOccTitle = 'Occupancy chart - '+ rms +' - '+ freq + 'MHz from '+ start_date[:10] + ' to ' + end_date[:10]
hovertext2 = hoverData(occDf, r'Occupancy')
dictHeatmap2 = {'data': [go.Heatmap(x = occDf.columns,
y = occDf.index,
z = occDf.values.tolist(),
colorbar={"title": "Occupancy (%)"},
colorscale ='Viridis',
'layout': { 'height': 400,
'title' : spectrumOccTitle,
'xaxis' : {'side':'top'},
#'width' : 2000,
'margin': {'l':100, 't':75,'r':15}
return dictHeatmap2
else: return []
Hope this helps! Please advice.