Hi everyone,
One of my callback calls a page on which there are several tables; it takes 3-4 sec before it is displayed.
The question is: if, instead of calling the full page, I split this page in 4 part, and then call each partial page like this:
@app.callback([Output('section1', 'children'),
Output('section2', 'children'),
Output('section3', 'children'),
Output('section4, 'children')],
[Input('tabs-example', 'value')])
def render_content(tab):
return section1, section2, section3, section4
Does Dash execute section1(), and wait until it gets its results, prior to executing section2()? In which case the total time would be something like 1sec+1sec+1sec+1sec,
Does dash execute section1(), section2(), section3(), section4() in parallel ? in which case the total waiting time would be defined by the slowest function.
Generally speaking, functions inside a callback might be interdependant, so, I assume that by default Dash execute s each function on a first come first served basis?
I also assume that, if write 4 different callback, each with the same input, but with different output, in this case, they would be executed in parallel, being triggered at the same time ? is it correct?