Rendering Datatable with multi-page/tab layout

I am creating a dashboard with multiple tabs and each tab triggers and .py file that renders different elements of plotly objects.

Link to stackoverflow - SO - Rendering datatable question

For instance, my callback functions return plots, charts and I am looking to return Datatable.

Sample code:

layout = html.Div([


            options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in List],
            style={'width': '100%'}


], style={"width": "15%", "margin-left": "20%", "margin-right": "35%"}), 



        columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df_lease.columns],



@app.callback(Output('my-table', 'data'),
                  Input("landlord-select", "value")
def render_table(company, market):

    df_sub1 = df_lease[(df_lease['Landlord'] == company)] 

    df_sub1 = df_sub1[['UnitNo',

    return df_sub1.to_dict(orient='records')

My question is, how can I accomplish this with Datatable. In this code, I am using import plotly.graph_objs as go to return graph objects. How would one go about doing something similar for returning datatable.

Note: I am able to do this go.Table as shown in the example, but DataTable is newer and offers an enhanced user experience.

Any help/pointers would be much appreciated.

@chriddyp would you be willing share thoughts on this? I noticed a bunch of threads on this, similar issues, when working with dash_table_experiments. Curious, if this was fixed in the dash-table. Thanks!