Rendering all rows without pages in `DataTable`

It’s good to see the official launch of DashTable framework 3.15.

Now it supports pagination which is cool.

However my use case is to render everything in 1 page just like the behavior in dash table experiment. I look at the documentation but didn’t find a way to do it. Is there a way to show all data of dataframe in one page? It works well with CHrome and I wish to carry on this feature.

MOrever, old experiment package do support filter and sort without using callback function but looks like new version can’t do sorting/filtering without implementing callback function?



Set the page_size to something really large:

pagination_settings={'page_size': 9999999999}

All of the properties are in the reference page (Reference | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly) linked from the main doc page (Dash DataTable | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly)

See Sorting, Filtering, Selecting, and Paging Natively | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly. This is also linked from the main doc page (Dash DataTable | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly)

Thank you Chris, useful information.

By the way, is there anyway to define decimal places in dash table now?

Today I tried to limit my column width to 1% but got no luck. My database has columns with title called Country, ABC and XYZ.

                    {'if': {'column_id': c}, 'width': '1%'} for c in ['Country', 'ABC', 'XYZ']

Do you know anything wrong with my setup?