Iām creating a image that have three different years on data: 2021, 2022, 2023. But when I plot the image this is the output:
these 2.021.5, 2.022.5 doesnt make sense since iām using years and there is no data with these years, any way to remove it from image?
the current code is something like it:
fig = go.Figure()
for i in range(len(tabela["tags"])):
if colors:
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=tabela.get("anos"), y=tabela.get("quantidade")[i], name=tabela["tags"][i], marker_color=colors.pop(0)))
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=tabela.get("anos"), y=tabela.get("quantidade")[i], name=tabela["tags"][i]))
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Ano", yaxis_title="Quantidade")
fig.update_xaxes(categoryorder='category ascending')
img_name = f"{str(board_id)}-{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')}-{random.randint(0, 1000)}.svg"