Re-render ALL visible cells after ag-grid filterModel is changed


I am wondering if it is possible to force the ValueFormatter / CellRenderer to re-run after the ag-grid’s filter model is changed.


Here’s some general info on refreshing cells and redrawing rows. If you give more details about what you are looking for, it will be easier to help.

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Thanks, that is what I needed.

I created a clientside callback to run the gridApi.refreshCells() command whenever the grid’s filterModel is changed:

# refresh cells whenever the filterModel is updated
    function() {
        const gridApi = dash_ag_grid.getApi('grid-id');
        var params = {
            force: true,
            suppressFlash: true,
        return ''
    Output('filterModel__test', 'data-label'),
    Input("grid-id", "filterModel"),  # activate any time the filterModel is changed

Unfortunately this does still require a dummy div for the output–not sure why there is no option in dash for no output

html.Div(id='filterModel__test', **{'data-label': {}}),


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