Hello my friends, can someone help me?
I have this dataframe:
that generates this plotly chart:
this is the code for the chart:
line_fig_code = px.line(data_frame = df_code,
x= 'start_date',
title='# Calls',
color_discrete_sequence= ["rgb(1, 27, 105)"],
line_fig_code.update_yaxes(range = [0,50], showticklabels=True, showgrid=False, visible=False, tickfont={'size':12})
line_fig_code.update_xaxes(showline=True, linecolor='#eeefee', tickfont={'size':12}, tickmode='linear', gridcolor='#eeefee',
showticklabels=True, visible=True)
line_fig_code.update_traces(textposition='top center', showlegend=False, hovertemplate='Qtd: %{y}', texttemplate='%{y}',
title={'x':0.05,'xanchor':'left', 'y':0.999, 'yanchor':'top', 'font':{'size':15}},
margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=30, b=5))
I have three questions:
Since Iβm sharing this graph with others, Iβd like to make the number of the sum of the codes (22+32+34+18β¦) visually clear without having to put a βtotalβ label on the graph. Is there a way to put this sum next to the title of the graph via plotly or is the only way is to create a Div with a specific code for this sum?
I would like the hover data to only show the text codes (code_text column on the df) that each day has. It is possible?
I would like to be able to extract the text codes that each day has from the graph. Is there a way to create an action in which, when I click on a specific day on the chart, these text codes appear on the screen (perhaps replacing the chart or performing an action of downloading a txt file with these codes).
thank you so much!