Even if I just copy and paste the example code from the timeline page, I get:
TypeError: Object of type timedelta is not JSON serializable.
Example code:
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([
dict(Task="Job A", Start='2009-01-01', Finish='2009-02-28'),
dict(Task="Job B", Start='2009-03-05', Finish='2009-04-15'),
dict(Task="Job C", Start='2009-02-20', Finish='2009-05-30')
fig = px.timeline(df, x_start="Start", x_end="Finish", y="Task")
fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed") # otherwise tasks are listed from the bottom up
From my investigation, I’ve found that plotly seems to be setting the x-axis to a timedelta object. I’m currently running the most recent version of plotly and pandas.