Hi all, I’m new to plotly and to this forum. I’m still studying how to use plotly at it’s max capabilities. Sorry for the long post , but I’m trying to merge these plots in a single combined plot.
I really don’t know how to move.
- 3D volume plot of two series of data (S) and (R)
# Create the 3D volume plot for 'S' series
fig_s = go.Figure(data=go.Volume(
x=X.flatten(), y=Y.flatten(), z=Z.flatten(),
colorbar={"title": 'Density (S)', "showticksuffix": 'none'} # Combine colorbar properties into a single dictionary
# Create the 3D volume plot for 'R' series
fig_r = go.Figure(data=go.Volume(
x=X.flatten(), y=Y.flatten(), z=Z.flatten(),
colorbar={"title": 'Density (R)', "showticksuffix": 'none', } # Combine colorbar properties into a single dictionary
# Update layout to include column names and set background color and axis tick line color
layout = dict(
xaxis=dict(title='SELF_SO (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
yaxis=dict(title='SELF_SA (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
zaxis=dict(title='INTER (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
bgcolor='white' # Set background color to white
width=800, # Set width to 800 pixels
height=800, # Set height to 800 pixels
plot_bgcolor='white', # Set plot background color to white
paper_bgcolor='white' # Set paper background color to white
fig_s.update_layout(title='3D Volume Scatter Plot (S)', **layout)
fig_r.update_layout(title='3D Volume Scatter Plot (R)', **layout)
# Combine the two subplots into one
combined_fig = go.Figure()
# Add 'S' subplot to the combined figure
combined_fig.update_traces(colorbar = dict(x = -0.15))
# Add 'R' subplot to the combined figure
# Add projections
# Update layout to include column names and set background color and axis tick line color
layout = dict(
xaxis=dict(title='SELF_SO (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
yaxis=dict(title='SELF_SA (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
zaxis=dict(title='INTER (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
bgcolor='white' # Set background color to white
width=800, # Set width to 800 pixels
height=800, # Set height to 800 pixels
plot_bgcolor='white', # Set plot background color to white
paper_bgcolor='white' # Set paper background color to white
# Update layout and title
combined_fig.update_layout(title='Combined 3D Volume Scatter Plot', **layout)
# Show the combined plot
That gives me this plot
- I would like to add 2 density contours on the xz and yz planes, using these plots
# Construct the graph and style it. Further customize your graph by editing this code.
# See Plotly Documentation for help: https://plotly.com/python/plotly-express/
fig_xz = px.density_contour(df_concat, x='SELF_SO', y='INTERENEDIR', color="SA")
# Update layout to include column names and set background color and axis tick line color
layout = dict(
bgcolor='white' # Set background color to white
width=800, # Set width to 800 pixels
height=800, # Set height to 800 pixels
plot_bgcolor='white', # Set plot background color to white
paper_bgcolor='white' # Set paper background color to white
fig_xz.update_layout(title='2D Density Contour Plot', xaxis=dict(title='SELF_SO (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
yaxis=dict(title='INTER (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'), **layout)
fig_yz = px.density_contour(df_concat, x='SELF_SA', y='INTERENEDIR', color="SA")
layout = dict(
bgcolor='white' # Set background color to white
width=800, # Set width to 800 pixels
height=800, # Set height to 800 pixels
plot_bgcolor='white', # Set plot background color to white
paper_bgcolor='white' # Set paper background color to white
fig_yz.update_layout(title='2D Density Contour Plot', xaxis=dict(title='SELF_SO (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'),
yaxis=dict(title='INTER (kcal/mol)', tickcolor='black'), **layout)
that gives me
I don’t need the series name (legend) in the final combined plot, but I want to keep the blue and the red colors of the R and S series.
I would like “only” to add the density contour on the first 3D plot.
Thanks for your help