Potly express: add white background to text in parallel_category plot

I use plotly express and want to add background color to my text for better readability. This is my code:

fig = px.parallel_categories(df,
                             dimensions=["batch_size", "out_channels", "num_layers",
                                         "aggr", "bias", "binned_" + continous_col],
                             color_continuous_scale= px.colors.sequential.Rainbow,
                             labels={"batch_size": "Batch GrรถรŸe",
                                     "out_channels": "n",
                                     "num_layers": "Sequenzlรคnge L",
                                     "aggr": "Aggregatsfunktion",
                                     "bias": "Bias",
                                     "binned_" + continous_col: "TPR"}

And this is the result:

It is a bit difficult to read the numbers or words in the plot because of all the colors. I would like them to be displayed on a white background. Or I could also imagine making the text bigger or bold. Do you know how I could achieve that?