Possible to share x-axis value list between scatter plots to reduce redundant data in Figure object?

I have an app that plots every minute of a week with multiple scatter plot lines on the same grid. Every line shares the same x-axis data list (of timestamps) but the whole list is replicated for each line in the Figure object. This means there are 7200 redundant timestamps stored in the figure per line by the end of the week. Is there a way to mark an x axis as shared that will allow for one master list that a set lines reference? Of note, I can’t use a linear step creation process because there are occasional gaps in time that I don’t want to graph.
Here is a sample of the redundancy, the ‘x’ for each line is exactly the same:

> Figure({
>     'data': [{'hoverinfo': 'skip',
>               'legendgroup': 'best',
>               'line': {'color': 'rgba(153, 153, 153, .75)', 'width': 1},
>               'mode': 'lines',
>               'showlegend': False,
>               'type': 'scatter',
>               'x': [2021-10-24 17:00:00, 2021-10-24 17:01:00, 2021-10-24 17:02:00,
>                     ..., 2021-10-29 16:52:00, 2021-10-29 16:53:00, 2021-10-29
>                     16:54:00],
>               'y': array([1.1649866, 1.1649776, 1.1649702, ..., 1.1566772, 1.1566892, 1.1566979],
>                          dtype=float32)},
>              {'hoverinfo': 'skip',
>               'legendgroup': 'best',
>               'line': {'color': 'rgba(153, 153, 153, .75)', 'width': 1},
>               'mode': 'lines',
>               'showlegend': False,
>               'type': 'scatter',
>               'x': [2021-10-24 17:00:00, 2021-10-24 17:01:00, 2021-10-24 17:02:00,
>                     ..., 2021-10-29 16:52:00, 2021-10-29 16:53:00, 2021-10-29
>                     16:54:00],
>               'y': array([1.1629671, 1.1629859, 1.1630033, ..., 1.1550466, 1.1550406, 1.1550374],
>                          dtype=float32)},
>              {'hoverinfo': 'skip',
>               'legendgroup': 'best',
>               'line': {'color': 'rgba(247, 161, 1, .5)', 'dash': 'longdash', 'width': 1},
>               'mode': 'lines',
>               'name': 'b',
>               'type': 'scatter',
>               'x': [2021-10-24 17:00:00, 2021-10-24 17:01:00, 2021-10-24 17:02:00,
>                     ..., 2021-10-29 16:52:00, 2021-10-29 16:53:00, 2021-10-29
>                     16:54:00],
>               'y': array([1.1639766, 1.1639814, 1.1639864, ..., 1.155871 , 1.155874 , 1.1558768],
>                          dtype=float32)},