I am trying to plot a 2D heatmap like official documents:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
z=[[1, 20, 30],
[20, 1, 60],
[30, 60, 1]]))
but it doesn’t work…
Invalid value of type 'plotly.graph_objs.Heatmap' received for the 'data' property of
Received value: Heatmap({
'z': [[1, 20, 30], [20, 1, 60], [30, 60, 1]]
The 'data' property is a tuple of trace instances
that may be specified as:
- A list or tuple of trace instances
(e.g. [Scatter(...), Bar(...)])
- A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties where:
- The 'type' property specifies the trace type
One of: ['area', 'bar', 'barpolar', 'box',
'candlestick', 'carpet', 'choropleth', 'cone',
'contour', 'contourcarpet', 'funnel',
'funnelarea', 'heatmap', 'heatmapgl',
'histogram', 'histogram2d',
'histogram2dcontour', 'isosurface', 'mesh3d',
'ohlc', 'parcats', 'parcoords', 'pie',
'pointcloud', 'sankey', 'scatter',
'scatter3d', 'scattercarpet', 'scattergeo',
'scattergl', 'scattermapbox', 'scatterpolar',
'scatterpolargl', 'scatterternary', 'splom',
'streamtube', 'sunburst', 'surface', 'table',
'violin', 'volume', 'waterfall']
- All remaining properties are passed to the constructor of
the specified trace type
(e.g. [{'type': 'scatter', ...}, {'type': 'bar, ...}])
Could you give me some advices for me ?
Best Regards