PlotlyJS Visual: Sankey diagram in Power BI

The PlotlyJS visual by Akvelon allows the creation of Sankey charts. This article describes creating a sample chart and preparing data in Power BI Desktop.


In this tutorial “SankeyMicrosoftSample” name was used for data imported from Microsoft Sankey visual sample report.

Prepare data

To set node labels on the chart correctly, you have to transform your table to the next state:

Source Destination Value SourceIndex DestinationIndex NodeLabel
Angola China 5 0 17 Angola
Angola India 1 0 18 Brazil
Angola Japan 3 0 19 Canada
Brazil England 1 1 3 England
Brazil France 1 1 5 England South
Brazil Portugal 5 1 10 France
Brazil Spain 1 1 14 France South
Canada England 1 2 3 Mali
Canada France 5 2 5 Mexico
Canada Portugal 1 2 10 Morocco
England Angola 1 3 0 Portugal
England Morocco 2 3 9 Portugal South
England Senegal 1 3 12 Senegal
England South South Africa 5 4 13 South Africa
France Angola 1 5 0 Spain
France Mali 3 5 7 Spain South
France Morocco 3 5 9 USA
France Senegal 3 5 12 China
France South South Africa 2 6 13 India
Mali China 5 7 17 Japan
Mali India 1 7 18 France1
Mali Japan 3 7 19 Africa China
Mexico England 1 8 3 Africa India
Mexico France 1 8 5 Africa Japan
Mexico Portugal 1 8 10
Mexico Spain 5 8 14
Morocco China 5 9 17
Morocco France1 11 9 20
Morocco India 1 9 18
Morocco Japan 3 9 19
Portugal Angola 2 10 0
Portugal Morocco 1 10 9
Portugal Senegal 1 10 12
Portugal South South Africa 4 11 13
Senegal China 5 12 17
Senegal India 1 12 18
Senegal Japan 3 12 19
South Africa Africa China 1 13 21
South Africa Africa India 2 13 22
South Africa Africa Japan 3 13 23
Spain Morocco 3 14 9
Spain Senegal 1 14 12
Spain South South Africa 4 15 13
USA England 5 16 3
USA France 1 16 5
USA Portugal 1 16 10
USA Spain 1 16 14

There is “NodeLabel” column with labels for a node with unique values on top (it’s crucial to build Sankey properly).

We need to add an Index column to the source table “SankeyMicrosoftSample”; the index will use as a foreign key to join with the source column.

To add node names, we need to apply a query to “SankeyMicrosoftSample”.
Let’s overview each row step by step to understand it.

	// We use “SankeyMicrosoftSample” table as a source
	Source = SankeyMicrosoftSample,
	// Then we create two tables, one for source nodes, and another for destination nodes
	// Remove all columns except the “Source” column
	DestinationNodes = Table.RemoveColumns(Source,{"Source", "Value", "NodeLink"}),
	// Then rename it to the “Nodes” column.
	DestinationNodesRanmed = Table.RenameColumns(DestinationNodes, {{"Destination", "Nodes"}}),
	// Do the same for Destination nodes. 
	// Remove all columns except the “Destination” columns.
	SourceNodes = Table.RemoveColumns(Source,{"Destination", "Value", "NodeLink"}),
	// Then also, rename it to the “Nodes” column.
	SourceNodesRenamed = Table.RenameColumns(SourceNodes,{{"Source", "Nodes"}}),
	// Because we need only one column with all node labels, combine those two tables with “Node” columns
	Combination = Table.Combine({SourceNodesRenamed, DestinationNodesRanmed}),
	// Then get distinct values by applying Table.Distinct function
	DistinctNodes = Table.Distinct(Combination),
	// To join with the  source column, 
	// Add an Index column to our Table with distinct “Nodes” table
	NodesList = Table.AddIndexColumn(DistinctNodes, "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
	// The last step is to join two tables (SankeyMicrosoftSample, NodesList)
	LeftJoin = Table.AddJoinColumn(SankeyMicrosoftSample, "NodeLink", NodesList, "Index", "NodeLabel"),
	// Expand the NodeLabel column. It doesn’t need an index column from the NodesList table.
	Expand = Table.ExpandTableColumn(LeftJoin, "NodeLabel", {"Nodes"}, {"NodeLabel"}),
	// Add IDs for source and destination node because PlotlyJS expects numbers instead of string
	// Add SourceID
	SourceID = Table.AddJoinColumn(Expand, "Source", NodesList, "Nodes", "SourceID"),
	// Expand the table to get SourceID column only
    ExpandedSourceID = Table.ExpandTableColumn(SourceID, "SourceID", {"Index"}, {"SourceID"}),

	// Add DestinationID
	DestinationID = Table.AddJoinColumn(ExpandedSourceID, "Destination", NodesList, "Nodes", "DestinationID"),
	// Expand the  table to get DestinationID column only
    ExpandedDestinationID = Table.ExpandTableColumn(DestinationID, "DestinationID", {"Index"}, {"DestinationID"})

	// Return result

Configure Sankey chart in PlotlyJS chart

When data is ready, create the visual instance on a report page and assign NodeLink, NodeLabel, SourceID, DestinationID, and Value columns to the visual instance:

Enter edit mode by clicking on “Edit” in the visual menu and click “+Trace”:


Then switch trace type “Sankey” by selecting trace on the list.

The last step is assigning columns to properties:

NodeLabel to Labels

SourceID to Sources

DestinationID to Target

Value to Values

and save the chart in the “Save/Load” tab:


The final result is:


If you have any questions related to using the visual, you can address them to us or ask in forum.

Ilfat Galiev
Software engineer
Akvelon Inc.

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