Plotly won't show the plot in a Jupyter dark backdrop

I used this code there is space in there before the next code cell but I can’t see anything!
px.scatter(df, x= ‘Dominant_Swell_Direction’)

Hi @mehdi, could you please share a standalone example (possibly using dummy data, but as of now we cannot reproduce with df which is not defined). I also use a dark background in Jupyter, without problem, so I’m not sure the issue comes from here.

Ok will do Emmanuelle, thank you for your response! I dont have access to my computer but will submit more info regarding the data, i tried the same code in colab and it shows what i wanted it to plot! Not sure if its just some weird setting on jupyter. I even choose a template ‘something white’ to see if i’ll make a difference but no success so far!

Thank you!

Mehdi k


    January 8

Hi @mehdi, could you please share a standalone example (possibly using dummy data, but as of now we cannot reproduce with df which is not defined). I also use a dark background in Jupyter, without problem, so I’m not sure the issue comes from here.

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Is this a Jupyter notebook inside a browser (firefox, chrome?). It looks like the IPython console to me (a standalone application outside of the browser). Or is it the notebook mode of vscode? You can still create and visualize plotly figures when working in the IPython console, you just need to define the renderer (see For example

import as pio
pio.renderers.default = 'firefox'

It is Jupyter lab in Safari

Mehdi k

ok, thanks. Do these instructions for jupyterlab help?

Thanks a lot Emmanuelle for the prompt responses! Very helpful.

Mehdi k

followed all instructions but still no success, It still takes space in the jupyter lab notebook area but I can’t see anything!