Plotly Violin performance for live update


I’m trying to display violin plot for incoming live data but I’m running into performance issue. I’m using a client_side callback and the extendData property to update my violin plot but it seems that after a few seconds the plot start to completely hang and be unresponsive.

Ideally I would like to update 6 Violin plot containing each 2000 data point at a refresh rate of 10Hz minimum. Is this possible or I’ll never be able to achieve this kind of performance ? For the moment when looking at the performance insight given in google chrome, it seems that the bottleneck come from a “Run Task” and more precisely from :


I’ve attached a screenshot at the bottom for more details.

Here is my client_side callback, don’t worry too much about where is coming my data in window.SENSORS_DATA (I’ve a client side script that handle an MQTT server for the data reception)

window.dash_clientside = Object.assign({}, window.dash_clientside, {
    clientside: {
        graph_updater: function(n_interval, store_state) {

            //Load the new data, it's a bit convoluted but it allow me to specify the path to my data from within python
            new_data = []
            trace_index = []
            store_state["sensors_path"].forEach((sensor_path, i) => {
                if(!(sensor_path in window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED))
                    window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path] = {};
                data_key = store_state["data_keys"][i];
                if(sensor_path in window.SENSORS_DATA && data_key in window.SENSORS_DATA[sensor_path]){
                    if(!(data_key in window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path]))
                        window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path][data_key] = 0;

                    last_plotted_index = window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path][data_key];
                    if(last_plotted_index < window.SENSORS_DATA[sensor_path][data_key].length){
                        ny = window.SENSORS_DATA[sensor_path][data_key].slice(window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path]);
                        window.LATEST_INDEX_GRAPHED[sensor_path][data_key] = last_plotted_index + ny.length;

            //There isn't new data to display
            if(new_data.length < 1){
                return window.dash_clientside.no_update;

            //Need to return a tuple (dict(graph data to extend), [trace_index], number of data point to keep)
            return [{x: new_data}, trace_index, 2000];