Issues because the subPlots didn't show any data

I guys I need your help I tried many approaches but I cannot figure out what the issue is.
I am running this in a Jupyter Notebook.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.offline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fechas_corte = EstadosDeCuentaData['fecha_corte'].unique()
num_colors = len(fechas_corte)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab10')  # You can choose other colormaps like 'viridis', 'plasma', etc.
colors = [cmap(i) for i in range(num_colors)]
fig = go.Figure()

for i, fecha_corte in enumerate(fechas_corte):
    fecha_corte_data = EstadosDeCuentaData[EstadosDeCuentaData['fecha_corte'] == fecha_corte]['saldo']
    line_color = f'rgba({colors[i][0]}, {colors[i][1]}, {colors[i][2]}, {colors[i][3]})'
    if i in list_i_values_to_display:
        fig.add_trace(go.Violin(x=fecha_corte_data, line_color=line_color,name=str(fecha_corte)))

fig.update_traces(orientation='h', side='positive', width=3, points=False)
fig.update_layout(xaxis_showgrid=True, xaxis_zeroline=False)

In this code if list_i_values_to_display=[0]
And this happens with any number , that proves I have data in all the cases of i
but if list_i_values_to_display=[0,1,2] for examples shows this:

What I am missing here?

Try removing the width argument in your update traces. I think the issue is that your y-axis is a date axis and the unit is millisecond so the violin is displaying but just very very thin at that scale.

Thank you. I removed width argument and now works