This happened suddenly, it was working just fine before. I’m trying to convert the Jupyter notebook to HTML so I can use it for my website. Everything was working fine until a few days ago I assume, then today I tried to download my notebook as HTML and no plots were showing on HTML version.
Now then, I went back to my notebook to re-generate all plots, all of sudden, no plots are showing. Below is the code for one of my plot:
fig = px.sunburst(top10_trump_support, path=['State','County'], values='Trump Share', color='Trump Share',
color_continuous_scale='OrRd', title='Top 10 Trump Support County and State',
hover_data=['Trump Share'])
fig.update_layout(coloraxis_colorbar_title='Trump Share')
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="Trump Share: %{customdata[0]}")
Also, my previous visualization with Plotly on Jupyter notebook (that I created a few days ago) works still fine, so I assume I only have a problem with this particular notebook? What could be the reason and how can I fix this issue? Thank you in advance!