Hey all. I recently built an app that allows users to query and plot data. After plotting, the user will have the option of downloading static images of plots in a PowerPoint. This feature works perfectly on my localhost, but fails in a production environment. I have a feeling the issue is related to Kaleido not being properly installed, which at the current time I’m accomplishing by the following command in my Dockerfile:
RUN pip install -U kaleido
Any thoughts on this are appreciated. Below is a copy of the relevant code.
@ app.callback(
Output('download', 'data'),
Input('export-to-pp', 'n_clicks')
def display_graph(n):
if n:
prs = Presentation()
slide_layout_index = 1
inches_from_left = Inches(0)
inches_from_top = Inches(1.1)
blank_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[slide_layout_index]
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout)
in_memory_image = io.BytesIO()
fig.write_image(in_memory_image, format='png', engine="kaleido")
pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(in_memory_image, inches_from_left, inches_from_top)
return send_bytes(lambda out: prs.save(out), filename='data.pptx')