Plotly scattermapbox : colorscale doesn't work with symbol marker

I am trying to change the marker symbol in a scattermapbox from circle to marker; as I am using hexagon overlays in choroplethmapbox that look quite similar and it becomes hard to distinguish. When I update the marker symbox, I see the change in icon but the colorscale doesnโ€™t work. colorscale works when the symbox is circle.

Does plotly scattermapbox not support colorscale with marker symbox yet? Code snippet below for reference:


                        "type": "scattermapbox",
                        "lat": df1['Lat'],
                        "lon": df1['Long'],
                        "name": "Location",
                        "hovertext": df1['Name'],
                        "showlegend": False,
                        "hoverinfo": "text",
                        "mode": "markers",
                        "clickmode": "event+select",
                        "customdata": df1.loc[:,cd_cols].values,
                        "marker": {
                            "autocolorscale": False,
                            "symbol": "marker",
                            "size": 10,
                            "opacity": 0.8,
                            "color": df1['value'],
                            "colorscale": "YlOrRd",
                            "cmin": df1['value'].min(),
                            "cmax": df1['value'].max(),
                                            title= 'Value',
                                            orientation= 'v',
                                            side= 'left',
                                            thickness= 20,
                                            titleside= 'top',
                                            ticks= 'outside'