Plotly scattermap box does not update in callback


I create an initial empty scattermapbox in the following way:

initialize figure

fig = px.scatter_mapbox(zoom= 7, height=1000, center = {‘lat’: 52.6, ‘lon’:5})

fig.update_layout(mapbox_style=“open-street-map”, margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=0), paper_bgcolor=“Black”)

I then store it in a Div:

html.Div(id = ‘Graph_container’, children = dcc.Graph(id=‘mapbox’,figure= fig))

Next I create dynamically some objects that alter this figure through a callback:

Output(component_id = ‘mapbox’, component_property = ‘figure’),
Input(component_id = {‘type’: ‘data_shorelinedevelop’, ‘index’: ALL}, component_property = ‘value’),
def update_figure(value):
if len(value) > 0:
value = value[0]
if value == 1:
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(
df, lat=“Intersect_lat”,
hover_data=[“country_name”, “changerate”],
labels = {‘country_name’ : ‘Country’, ‘Intersect_lat’: ‘Latitude’, ‘Intersect_lon’: ‘Longitude’},
color_discrete_sequence=[“black”], zoom= 7, height=1000, center = {‘lat’: 52.6, ‘lon’:5})
fig.update_layout(mapbox_style=“open-street-map”, margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=0), paper_bgcolor=“Black”)
fig.update_traces(marker={‘size’: 5})
return fig

if value == 2:
    fig = px.scatter_mapbox(zoom= 7, height=1000, center = {'lat': 40, 'lon':5})
    fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="open-street-map", margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=0), paper_bgcolor="Black")
    return fig

    raise PreventUpdate

However this Callback only is triggered the first time I click on the input it and when value equals 1 only the hover shows and the markers do not. When I change the output to the id of the graph container and I return a dcc.graph it works perfectly fine. Anyone knows if it is also possible to return the figure?



Hello @DantevdH,

There is a known issue with blank data and then trying to have the mapbox update with data.

Please apply at least some placeholder info. All you need is one point.

Then it should update accordingly. At least, it has for me.