Plotly Orca cannot locate

I tried to install plotly-orca within Docker Container, when I tried to run orca --help I got his error
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory . I am using MacOS

Installing Orca and its dependencies in a Docker image is tricky. If your objective is to be able to create images from python Plotly plots, I’d advise you to checkout the recent library kaleido that is much easier to install (just a pip install does it) than Orca.


I can only support what @RenaudLN said: do not even bother trying to get Orca running. I have tried for many hours and days. My original plan was to get it working inside an Azure Function. I ended up using Azure Container Instances. I started the Docker container they provide with all the dependencies on ACI and used it as a backend to export my plots.

Using kaleido has made this so much easier. A simple pip install kaleido is all that I need now. Don’t make your life harder than it needs to be. If you have no specific reason to not use kaleido right now, you should really try it.

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Hi @RenaudLN & @finkam, thanks a lot for your response ! I’ll try to use kaleido first. Thank you so much for helping, I’ve been stucked for a while because orca haha