Plotly.js indicator hole size

Hello, I’m trying to change the hole of the indicator. I can’t seem to find a proper answer in the docs or online (most online searches reference the old way of hacking a pie chart to become a gauge chart, of course the pie chart has a hole property, but I cannot find an equivalent for the indicator gauge).

After unsuccessfully finding an answer online or in the documentation, I tried just placing hole everywhere, but without success. I’m attaching an image to better illustrate my problem, using the plotyjs indicator example, which has the following code:

var data = [
		domain: { x: [0, 1], y: [0, 1] },
		value: 270,
		title: { text: "Speed" },
		type: "indicator",
		mode: "gauge+number"

var layout = { width: 600, height: 500, margin: { t: 0, b: 0 } };


Just to clarify further, I want to change the thickness of the bordered area in the image. I was hoping for a property like hole for pie charts

Sorry if this is answered already, I couldn’t find it here or elsewhere.

I’m not that much interested in workarounds, currently I have solved the problem by just hacking together piecharts to replicate the indicator behavior (thankfully bar thickness I was aiming for is 1). I want to know if there is an ergonomic way to handle this with indicators themselves.